Sexyy Red recently found herself in hot water after an AI-generated photo of her and Martin Luther King in a club setting was retweeted on the X website. The St. Louis rapper was scrutinized by MLK's daughter Bernice King after posting a “disgusting” photo. photo and asked her to remove it. “This is intentionally offensive, humiliating, pathetic and disrespectful to my family and my father who is not here to respond to himself as he was assassinated for his commitment to civil and human rights and an end to war and poverty. Please delete .” Sexxy quickly responded by deleting the post and issuing a heartfelt apology. “You're not wrong, I never meant to disrespect your family and I'm sorry,” she wrote, explaining that she believed the post was innocent and not intended to hurt you. Bernice accepted the apology gracefully, adding: “Thank you for your apology, I accept it sincerely.” The situation ended on a positive note. Please know that I have no intention of defaming you. I value you as a person. “You're not wrong, I never meant to disrespect your family and I'm so sorry. Just retweeted something I saw that I thought was innocent 🙏🏾 — Sexy Red (@SexyyRed314_) January 22, 2025 Thank you for your apology, which I sincerely accept. Please know that I did not intend to defame you as a person and I hope you do. Understand my concerns about the image I know my father has become a caricature of the world and… Become King (@BerniceKing) January 22, 2025 Like this: Like Loading… From Baller Discover more in Alert Subscribe to have the latest posts delivered to your email.
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