Rapper Gloss Up was caught on cell phone video assaulting her former manager, and it looks like she may soon be charged over the incident. Video On Saturday, a video surfaced showing Gloss Up punching the woman, identified as Tatiyana Blood, multiple times. In the video, the former QC artist can be heard yelling: “You've been playing with me, h**.” “Tati, you've been playing with me, my kids, my mom, my record label,” Gloss shouted Several bystanders could be heard urging Gloss to stop, but she continued the attack. After the video was released, Gross spoke about the situation online, saying she was not concerned about the possible legal ramifications. “In my photos I'm smiling so hard about what I do for a living,” she wrote on Instagram Stories. Gross later took to Instagram Live to accuse Brad of sabotaging her career by excluding her from her show contract and allegedly telling promoters they didn't have to pay her. In her own on-air explanation, Brad denied interfering with Gross getting proper compensation. The woman said she suffered multiple injuries during the fight and was attacked from behind by Gross. Blood also claimed she was unable to leave the scene because Gloss' friend, Tuson Jewell, blocked her car. Earlier, she shared a brief video on Blood's Instagram profile, explaining that the fight happened a few days ago but was only now attracting attention. Online. The music entrepreneur confirmed that she intends to press charges against the “Ride Home” artist, which was reiterated during her IG Live session. Like this: Like Loading… Subscribe for more content from Baller Alert and get the latest posts delivered to your email.
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