Ideally, the relationship between Jimmy Butler and Miami Heat will end before the beginning of the NBA All -Star Game. After walking out of the exercise earlier this week, Batler paused indefinitely, and both sides fell into a deadlock. At this point, the only logical choice seems to be any assets that the housekeeper can obtain it as a heat. He was in the infamous practice meeting of Minnesota, where he played with the third player, defeated the starting player, and at the same time called them to need him, becoming one of his most watched moments in his career. After that, he sat down and accepted the then ESPN reporter Rachel Nichols to interview to express frustration. From the cause, the posts published by Butler in the trade dispute came to his funny action on his field. Some people believe that his behavior may eventually work on him, especially when he sought, a new contract of 35 years old. Carmelo Anthony talked about the situation of Butler in Brooklyn's latest podcast at 7 pm, warning that his actions might affect his future. “It was interesting at first. It is now affecting the business,” Anthony said. “Now everyone affects their business like you. You are the business cancer, not the team. We know you can hoop, we know you can play, but you are becoming the tissue cancer. Now, the organization looks very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very like Embarrassing-grabbed the team. Anthony put forward a strong point of view, which shows that the situation of Bartler may cause him to be hacked. Another example of reality.
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