Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King's youngest daughter Bernice King stars in rapper Sexyy Red Didn't hold back after posting an AI-generated photo of her father on social media. The controversial posts, shared on X (formerly Twitter), quickly sparked outrage, with many saying they disrespected the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement. The posts used photoshopped “sexy red” images during historically important moments involving Martin Luther King, Jr. In one image, the rapper is pictured holding hands with the king. Another depicts the rapper next to King during the 1963 March on Washington. On Tuesday, Bernice King addressed the situation directly, expressing her frustration and disappointment. “These images are intentionally humiliating, deplorable and disrespectful,” she wrote. She went on to remind followers of her father's sacrifice, saying: “My father would not be here to respond to himself as he was because of your citizenship and assassinated for human rights” and end war and poverty. Please delete. ” Bernice King Tweets Bernice King tweets: Like Loading… Discover more from Baller Alert Subscribe to have the latest posts delivered to your email.
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