Beloved actor Djimon Hounsou has made a shocking revelation about his dire financial situation. Video Despite working in Hollywood for more than two decades and receiving two Oscar nominations, he publicly acknowledged ongoing financial struggles. In a candid interview with CNN Africa, Hansu shared the frustration of his experience. “I'm still struggling to make a living,” the 60-year-old explained. “I'm definitely underpaid.” Reflecting on systemic racism in the industry, he added, “I was nominated for a Golden Globe, but they ignored me for an Oscar because they thought I was just off the boat And off the streets.” Hansu believes that the entertainment industry's approach to diversity is still a work in progress. “Systemic racism is not going to change anytime soon,” he concluded. In 2023, he expressed similar frustrations in an interview with The. The Guardian: “I'm still trying to make money!” He also lamented that some colleagues achieved financial success despite achieving much less. “I felt cheated, hugely cheated,” he said, reflecting on the inequality of opportunity. Hounsou won Oscars for his performances in “Blood Diamond” and “In America.” He also starred in “A Quiet Place,” “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Amistad,” films that earned him Golden Globe nominations. Like this: Like Loading… Discover more from Baller Alert Subscribe to get the latest posts delivered to your email.
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