Elon Musk has brought some surprising content changes to Twitter. On Friday, he announced an “algorithm tweak” to the platform, now called X, aimed at combating “too much negativity” on the platform and improving “seconds of users without regrets.” Musk, who purchased the platform in October 2022, shared plans to promote more “information/entertainment content” while allowing users to dynamically adjust their feeds. Algorithm adjustments are coming soon to promote more informative/entertaining content. We'll post the changes to @XEng. Our goal is to maximize regret-free user seconds. Too much negativity is pushed onto technology, increasing user time but not regret-free user time. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 4, 2025 The shift comes in the wake of Musk’s controversial actions, including reinstating accounts such as Donald Trump’s after the Capitol riots on January 6 and supporting Trump's account's 2024 activity. Musk’s support for Trump to co-lead the Department of Government Effectiveness with Vivek Ramaswamy further fueled the debate. Reactions to Musk's announcement varied widely. Artificial intelligence expert Ed Krassenstein called the timing “interesting,” contrasting X's approach to dealing with negativity during the Biden presidency to its current direction under Trump. The impact of Musk's algorithm changes remains uncertain, but users should start seeing some changes to their schedules soon. Like this: Like Loading… Discover more from Baller Alert Subscribe to get the latest posts delivered to your email.
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