Southern student Caleb Wilson dies in warehouse, Brotherhood Lies Park collapses

Southern student Caleb Wilson dies in warehouse, Brotherhood Lies Park collapses
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New details emerged in the tragic death of Southern University student Caleb Wilson, a source revealed to the WAFB that the initial story given to the police was fabricated. Instead, it was alleged to attend an unauthorized fraternity ceremony with Omega Psi Phi's commitment, when Wilson was punched in the chest and collapsed, a junior in mechanical engineering, reportedly a member of the Human Jukebox band, is everyone's New York, and everyone will be placed in each store in blbs pross prom the blbs blbs blbs blbs blbs blbs blbs blbs blbs blbs inniogial engineering. Sources said when Wilson was attacked, he fell to the ground and began to have epilepsy. After the death of the fraternity members, they allegedly met in an undisclosed place and created a false narrative of his collapse in the park. Sources confirmed that none of the students involved were in the park. Although the initial autopsy did not reveal the cause of death, further testing is underway. In response, Southern University expressed deep sorrow over Wilson's death and reiterated its position on the danger. The university has launched an internal investigation and banned member intake from all student organizations. “We support punishment to the fullest extent of the law for anyone committing an act of violence that impedes a student from safely and successfully matriculating at Southern.” Southern University confirmed that it is actively cooperating with the Baton Rouge Police Department and the East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney's Office as they investigate the hazing possessions involving the Beta Sigma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.Like this:Like Loading… Discover more from Baller Alertsubscribe for the latest posts sent to your email.

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