Donald Trump
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Donald Trump plans to renovate the White House Rose Garden to a terrace similar to Mar-a-Lago. According to sources, the design of the renovation involves removing the trimmed green lawn and replacing it with a hard surface such as limestone. The president even considered an interchangeable surface that could be swapped for hardwood dancing. However, Trump does intend to leave the roses in the garden. Redesign has reportedly become a daily discussion for Trump, busy signing the execution order. “The president is taking the necessary steps to maintain and restore the greatness and glory of the “House of the People,” his White House communications director Steven Cheung said. He added, “The White House has not received any tender yet, Love Care for decades. “This is not the first time the Trump administration has modified the Rose Garden. During his first semester, Melania Trump installed a new irrigation system and replaced the mature dogwood with new flowers arranged in regular patterns. Rose Garden opened in 1903 by First Lady Edith Roosevelt, and later redesigned the press conference and presidential gathering in 1913 by Ellen Wilson. Jacqueline Kennedy’s White House Historical Society oversees structural changes, while the National Park Service controls the garden itself. explain. “It will be as beautiful as possible.” Like this: Just like loading… Discover more from Baller Alertsubscribe to send the latest posts to your email.

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