Akademiks pressed the 15 -year -old young man to sleep with adults during the uneasy live broadcast (video) (video)

Akademiks pressed the 15 -year -old young man to sleep with adults during the uneasy live broadcast (video) (video)
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Akademiks heard his voice in a live broadcast, a 15 -year -old young man seemed to try to convince boys to have sex with adults. On Friday night, when the editing began to circulate on social media, the video tape caused a wave of rebound. Akademiks added a Twitch ribbon called NourgxD, which has a disturbing transformation. Akademiks asked: “If Max said he wanted to try f ** kin 'a guy, would you let him f ** k?” When the teenager said from time to time, Akkadmik ( Akademiks) question why, even if he claims that this behavior can make him get more access. In another editing, Akademiks asked whether the teenager had “another 15 -year -old boy could hit.” Akademiks asked at another point in the stream, whether Nourgxd would sleep with Plaqueboymax's sister. Nourgxd once again said that he would not be “modified” because he was only 15 years old, and because she was an adult. Akademiks continued to put pressure on the matter, and another man claimed that the boy was “afraid of a woman.” Plaqueboymax shouted Akademiks and dubbed the editing as “very strange”. In addition, Max said that he checked Nourgxd after the situation to ensure that he was okay. Another popular ribbon SCRU FACE JEAN also contacted Nourgxd and even allowed him to share his description of what happened on the platform. However, letting sharing said that in view of the sensitivity of the situation, Nogx's guardians and possible law enforcement officials participated in it. Therefore, it seems that I may not be able to give up this interview. I want to convey his story, but caught my attention. His guardian (maybe law enforcement) must be separated. I am trying to talk to the guardian, but if you don't do this … https: //t.co/iegromdozw-scru🇳🇬 (@Scrufacejean) January 25, 2025, Nourgxd also told Jean in a tweet, The suffering is very uncomfortable. After strong opposition, Akademiks criticized Plaqueboymax and other streaming media to call him “weird”. He even insisted that he would no longer “express love” to them. As of now, it is unclear whether the authorities have contacted Akademiks.

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